– Occupational Safety –

- Occupational Safety -Blog

List of PPE for Workplace

What is PPE? PPE stands for Personal Protective Equipment, which is protection for people who might be facing potential risks. This includes protection you wear during work, leisure activities, or even at home. However, most of the time when people talk about “PPE” it usually refers to protection you wear…
- Occupational Safety -Blog

Understanding Antistatic Workwear & Its Applications

The demand for antistatic PPE is growing as more industries, products, and services are delivered and created using technology and microchips. A sudden electrostatic discharge can be dangerous resulting in fire, explosion, injury, or death. Workers must wear antistatic workwear to eliminate and control static buildup because non-antistatic garment can…
- Occupational Safety -Blog

5 Reasons Why You Should Wear Appropriate Coveralls

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has gained a better understanding of coveralls, which are more than just a common garment; they are invincible armors for frontline operators to deal with their daily tasks. Coveralls are used in a variety of industries, including waste management, petrochemical, oil and gas,…
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