– Occupational Safety –

- Occupational Safety -Blog

The Golden Triangle Rules to Go Home Safely from Work

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), more than one million work-related deaths happen each year and hundreds of millions of employees suffer from workplace accidents and occupational exposure to hazardous substances in the world. To mitigate the risk in the workplace, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) shall be adopted to…
- Occupational Safety -BloghomeNews

The Last Mile to Go Home Safely

Imagine that you have finished a whole day long work, feeling exhausted and couldn’t wait to go home earlier and catch up for dinner with your family. In the meantime, you were chatting with colleagues while doffing your protective clothing. Suddenly, you felt a chemical burn on your body parts……
- Occupational Safety -Blog

How Well Do You Understand Asbestos Protection?

What are Asbestos? Application of Asbestos? Asbestos is a mineral which includes six kinds of silicates that share the same fibrous nature. Its fibres are soft and flexible yet resistant to heat, electricity and chemical corrosion. It has been applied widely in commerce, public utilities and industrial facilities, thus asbestos…
- Occupational Safety -Blog

Occupational Heat Exposure

All-time heat records have been set all over the world. Operators who are exposed to hot workplace may be at risk of heat stress. Over the past few years, Many consequences have been impacted by this drastic climate change, namely increasing heat waves, glacier melting and floods. Thus, operators wearing…
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