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Proper Using Protective Clothing in the Chemical Disaster Post-Treatment

By 2015-06-058月 5th, 2024ニュース

When disasters happened, those first-time arriving rescuers who took care the calamity post-treatment always undertook a lot of risks. The threat not only came from fire or other damages, but might be injured by exposing harmful micro chemical particulates generated from combustion or chemical leakiness. In this situation, those executive parties who can realise self-safety and self-protection will prevent themselves to involve tremendous catastrophe when saving others life.

Therefore, the National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology held a seminar of “Toxic chemicals disaster prevention and Relief Mobilization for Southern Taiwan” on April 29th this year to educate those first-line rescuers. As a professional protective clothing manufacturer, Derekduck general manager, Jason Lin, was invited to give a speech in this seminar and shared his knowledge and experiences to the attendants; related to the topics of the functions of different kinds of protective coveralls and their applied environment, and how to select and use PPE coverall.

More than 100 participants, including the officers of environmental protection, firefighters, military, and other government workers, who were educated and trained through the seminar to enhance their cognition of proper use of PPE.

Derekduck is now proactively popularizing use protective clothing correctly by widespread doing education for workers to enhance their self-safety awareness. By those efforts, Derekduck hopes to reduce life-long regret tragedies by occupational accidents because workers may be lack of knowledge to notice these potential risks in any kind of workplaces.