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A More User-Friendly Data Center Is Ready for You

By 2021-01-258月 5th, 2024ニュース

Table of Content

ULTITEC has constantly strived to provide our exclusive partner for premium marketing support. Previously, we have highlighted the advantages of Data Center, our marketing collateral online platform in “24/7 File Helper at your fingertips!”, which including saving your time for organizing files as well as obtaining the most accurate marketing files at any time and anywhere.

Recently, in order to improve the user experience, we have updated the layout of the Data Center, and the new classifications will be easier for you to find the right marketing or product file you would like to find.

A quick brief of 4 classifications on Data Center:

  1. Branding Collaterals
  2. Marketing Collaterals
  3. 中文素材 (Marketing Collaterals in Chinese Version)
  4. Product Pages

Data Center Map:

Now you can find EDM and White Paper in

  • Marketing Collaterals > Sales Kits :

– All types of EDM and White Paper, and EDM will be classified in 6 categories as the map showed above

  • Product Page:

-The EDM or White Paper which is related to the product

  • 中文素材 (Chinese Marketing Collaterals):

– Chinese EDM and White Paper


Click here and log in Data Center to get the up-to-date ULTITEC marketing materials and product files and get ready to explore the adventure now!